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How to Stay Motivated: For a Healthy Balanced Lifestyle
How to Stay Motivated: For a Healthy Balanced Lifestyle

 A Healthy Balanced Lifestyle is not a one-time event, it’s a continuous journey that we all embark on every day. It can be difficult to stay motivated and on track, especially when temptations are everywhere.

In this blog post, we will discuss ways on how to stay motivated for a healthy balanced lifestyle, and how to stay accountable to your goals.

When it comes to a healthy balanced lifestyle, motivation is key. Many people find that they can stick to a healthy routine when they have someone else holding them accountable. That’s where motivation comes in. Knowing how to stay motivated can be a challenge.

When you’re feeling motivated, it’s easy to stay on track and make healthy decisions. But what happens when you lose your motivation? How do you get it back?

Knowing how to stay motivated for a healthy balanced lifestyle is important because it can help you make healthy choices and stick to a healthy routine.

When it comes to motivation, there are two main types: extrinsic and intrinsic.

Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation comes from external factors, such as winning an award, a competition, or being paid, for example going to work.

Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, comes from within yourself. It is driven by a desire or challenge to achieve a goal or accomplish something. Motivation by enjoyment and personal satisfaction.  

There are several ways you can create motivation in order to achieve your outcome, you could try to implement the following:

Setting Goals 

There are many ways to stay motivated. Some people find that setting goals helps them stay on track.

Setting goals can help you set the focus and create momentum helping you to achieve your goal successfully. Setting your goals will enable you to measure and evaluate how you are going. Setting a timeframe to complete your goal will help to increase your motivation to keep at it and complete on time.

SMART Goals for Motivation
Setting Goals to stay Motivated

Setting a Reward

Setting a reward for when you complete a goal will help to increase your motivation and determination to successfully complete it by the deadline. Make sure that your reward is in line with your goal.

Keeping a Journal

Others find that keeping a journal and tracking their progress is motivating.

Using a journal each day not only helps to keep you organised by brainstorming and listing your daily tasks but helps to reinforce your daily goals and ultimately work towards reaching your long-term goals.

If you find yourself struggling to stay motivated, there are some things you can do to get back on track.

Using a Journal can help with Motivation
Journaling to stay Motivated

Assess your Goals

First, take a step back and assess your goals. Make sure they are realistic and attainable.

By ensuring you have set SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals will help to achieve them while maintaining your motivation throughout.

Set Small Goals

Goals can sometimes be classified as Short-Term and Long-Term goals, meaning that they can take anywhere from a week to 1 year, 2 years, or even longer.

Breaking your goals down into small manageable steps can help to maintain motivation while completing part of the goal and still working towards the end result and will ensure you don’t become overwhelmed and give up.

Support Group

A support system or group can help you to stay on track and promote motivation and accountability. Often posting your opinions and questions to like-minded people on the same journey as you can help to clarify and motivate you to keep going.

This could be a friend, family member, or even an online community.

Find a Workout Partner

If your goal is to become healthier and fitter, having an accountability partner can make all the difference and give your motivation a boost.

Whilst waking up early in the morning for the gym, it can be tempting to just roll over and go back to sleep but if you have a motivational partner you wouldn’t want to let them down by not turning up. This is a great way to keep up the motivation while cheering each other on.

Track your Progress

Tracking your progress, whether that be by progress photos, journalling or by other ways there are some fantastic positives including driving motivation.

There’s nothing more motivating than jumping on the scales or looking at progress photos and seeing your progress so far!

Stay Positive Toward Yourself

Having a positive mindset, using a journal to practice gratitude, and focusing on the good things in life can help to keep your mood lifted in order to keep achieving and stay motivated.

Stay Positve for Motivation
Positivity towards yourself to stay Motivated

Make Small Changes

Nothing happens instantly or overnight. Most things take time to see a change. As per Health Line, It can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic.

Allowing yourself time to adapt by making small changes can help to keep your motivation and your mind positive to keep achieving.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Ensuring you are getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep at night can help both your physical and emotional state. Ensuring you have energy and motivation to carry you through the day.

Meal Prep

Meal prepping can be a fantastic way to stay on track with your eating and healthy habits. By creating a meal plan and meal prepping your weekly meals can ensure on the busy days you have time to eat right instead of reaching for something unhealthy like takeaway and highly processed foods.

Setting aside time on a day you have spare time, like Sunday before heading back into a busy work and family schedule can help free up time in the long run.

Meal planning, grocery shopping, and prepping your meals by chopping and batching can help cut down some prep time on days you need. Work lunches and snack prepping can also be a massive positive not only on healthy eating but on the weekly budget from being prepared.

This in turn can have a positive motivating factor for goals like losing weight, getting fitter, and saving money.

Stay Accountable

 Staying accountable to your goals is important because it can help you make healthy choices and stick to a healthy routine.

Having an accountability partner can help you stay on track and motivated. You can also hold yourself accountable by tracking your progress and setting goals. Whatever works for you, make sure you find a way to stay accountable!

Staying healthy is a journey, not a destination, and a journey that we all embark on every day. It can be difficult to stay motivated and on track, but it is possible!

By finding ways to stay motivated and accountable, you can make healthy living a part of your everyday routine.

Remember, motivation is key. Set goals, stay accountable, and most importantly, don’t give up!

You can do it!

Amy xx

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