Losing weight can be a challenging and sometimes stressful process. Setting goals for weight loss can be one of the ways to help minimise the stress that comes with weight loss.

Setting goals is an essential part of losing weight as it gives you direction, focus, motivation and can be used as a tool for evaluating.

In this post, we’ll discuss the different types of goals for weight loss, how to set them, and how to track your progress.

How to Set Goals for Weight Loss

Setting goals for weight loss is an important step towards achieving a healthier lifestyle.

Below are some steps to help you set your goals for weight loss:

Identify Your Motivation

You need to start by identifying your reasons for wanting to lose weight.

For example, this could be to improve your health, boost your self-confidence, or fit better in your clothes.

Understanding your ‘why’ and motive can help you set more meaningful goals and stay committed to your weight loss journey.

Determine Your Starting Point

Finding out your current weight, and body mass index (BMI), along with any health concerns that may impact your weight loss journey can help you set realistic goals, and create a plan and starting point that is targeted to your needs.

Set Specific and Measurable Goals

Once you have determined what you want to achieve, the next step is to set specific and measurable goals that will help you to remain focused and a way to track your progress.

Specific and measurable goals help to provide clarity and direction, and in turn, make it easier to stay motivated and committed to your weight loss journey.

Break Your Goals into Smaller Steps

Breaking your goals into smaller, manageable steps can help make them more achievable.

For example, if your outcome goal is to lose 10 kilos within 6 months, set smaller process goals such as increasing your physical activity 3 days a week, reducing your calorie intake, limiting sugar, or keeping a food journal to track your daily intake.

By focusing on these smaller steps, you can build momentum and create healthy habits that will support your weight loss journey and avoid becoming overwhelmed or giving up early as a result of your long-term goal not being achieved quickly enough.

When setting goals for weight loss, make sure they are (SMART):


Your goals should be specific and clearly defined. Ensure your goals are focused on what you want to achieve.


Your goals should be measurable so that you are able to track your progress and know when you have achieved them.


Your goals should be challenging but achievable. Ensure you take into account your current level of fitness, lifestyle, and other factors that may impact your ability to lose weight.


Your goals should be relevant to your overall health and wellness objectives.


Your goals should have a specific timeline or deadline to achieve them by. This can help you stay focused and motivated.

Create a Plan

Creating a plan is an important step in achieving your weight loss goals. A plan involves outlining the steps you will take to achieve your goals. Creating a plan can help you anticipate and overcome any obstacles that may arise.

This can include specific actions you will take each day, such as tracking your food intake or scheduling regular exercise sessions.

Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress can help you stay motivated and gives you a way to assess and evaluate your goals and adjust your plan as needed.

Ways to track your progress can be done through regular weigh-ins, tracking your food intake and exercise, or measuring changes in your body composition and measurements.

Goals for Weight Loss
Goals for Weight Loss

Types of Goals for Weight Loss

Outcome Goals

Outcome goals are the end results you want to achieve and are usually long-term goals.

Outcome goals are the desired end result that you want to achieve. It’s important to note that while outcome goals are important for motivation and direction, they are not within your immediate control.

Achieving outcome goals requires consistent effort and progress toward your process goals (the specific behaviours and habits that support your weight loss journey, explained below).

You need to focus on both outcome goals and process goals to achieve sustainable weight loss.

Here are some examples of outcome goals for weight loss:

Process Goals

Process goals are the small, measurable steps that will help you to achieve your outcome goals.

Process goals are usually short-term goals, which focus on the actions you need to take to reach your outcome goals.

Process goals may include exercising for 30 minutes a day, tracking your food intake, or drinking a certain amount of water each day in order to reach your outcome goal of 10 kilos in 6-12 months for example.

Behavioural Goals

Behavioral goals are the habits and actions you need to change in order to achieve your outcome goals. Behavioural goals are usually the most challenging type of goals because they require you to make lifestyle changes.

Behavioral goals may include reducing or eliminating your intake of sugar, eating more vegetables, or going to bed earlier.

How to Set Goals for Weight Loss

Be Specific

When your setting goals for weight loss, be as specific as possible.

For example, instead of saying, “I want to lose weight,” be more specific, for example, “I want to lose 10 kilos in 6-12 months.”

Be Realistic

Setting realistic goals for weight loss is essential for success.

Don’t set a goal to lose 10 kilos in a week. Instead, aim to lose 1-2 kilos per month.

Be Time-Bound

Ensure you set a deadline for your goals for weight loss.

This will give you that feeling that time is of the essence and that prompt action is necessary to achieve your goal or objective and will also increase your motivation to work towards them.

Write your Goals for Weight Loss Down

Writing your goals for weight loss down will help make them more real and help you stay accountable. It is also a way to look back on for evaluation.

Make your Goals for Weight Loss Challenging

Ensure you set your goals for weight loss that are challenging but achievable.

Remember if your goals are too easy, you may not feel motivated to achieve them and give up, the same goes if you make them too hard.

Tracking Your Progress

Tracking your progress is important as it helps you to see how far you have come and what you still need to work on.

Below are some ways you could track your progress:

Use the Scales

A method to track your progress could be to weigh yourself at set intervals, for example, once a week, and record your progress in a journal, diary, or on chart.

Body Measurements

Taking body measurements including your waist, hips, and other body parts to track your progress.

For me, this method is far better for me personally than the scales. Measurements are far more accurate.

For more information, you can read my article on Non Scale Victories.

Take Photos

Similar to body measurements, taking before and after photos can be a great way to track your progress and see how your body is changing over time.

Keep a Food Diary

Having a food diary to track what you have eaten each day can help you stay accountable and also a way to look back and evaluate.

Use a Health and Fitness Tracker

Another way to track your progress is to use a fitness tracker and a health and wellness tracker which can easily help you to record your daily exercise, foods consumed, recipes, meal planning, and even your water intake.

Healthy Mummy Challenge
Health and Fitness App – Healthy Mummy Challenge

Evaluating your Goals for Weight Loss

After you have set your goals for weight loss, it’s crucial to evaluate each of them periodically to ensure they are still appropriate, realistic and a way to identify where you need to change or alter them for further success.

Below are some tips for evaluating your goals:

Check Your Progress

Regularly check your progress toward your goals to enable you to see how far you have come and what you may need to work on.

Ask yourself questions like, Am I making progress? Am I on track to achieve my goals within the timeframe set?

Adjust Your Goals

If you find that you are not making progress toward your goals for weight loss or that they are not realistic, in order to keep working towards them you need to adjust them.

This can include, modifying your outcome goal or changing your process or behavioral goals.

Reassess Your Motivation

Ask yourself if your motivation is still strong? If not, think about why you may have lost motivation and what you can do to regain it, and then have a think about why you set your goals in the first place.

Celebrate Your Successes

This one is important, not only to maintain motivation but it gives you the determination to keep succeeding.

Celebrate your successes along the way, no matter how small.

Remember, weight loss is a journey, and it’s important to celebrate the small successes along the way to stay motivated and committed to your goals.

Seek Support

If you’re struggling to achieve your goals, you can always find support from your family, friends, or a healthcare professional.

This can be a positive for your motivation, and accountability to help you stay on track.

Rewarding Yourself

Rewarding yourself for achieving your goals and progress can help your motivation and also your mindset. It’s important to choose rewards that are healthy and that won’t hinder your progress.

Here are some ideas for healthy rewards:

Always celebrate your success along the way, but remember to not use food or unhealthy habits as a reward. Stick to healthy rewards that support your weight loss journey and help you stay motivated to continue making progress.

Benefits of Goals for Weight Loss

Setting goals for weight loss can offer many positive benefits in all sorts of aspects of your life.

Below are some benefits of setting goals for weight loss:

Provides Direction and Focus

Goals help by setting a clear direction and path to help you focus on what you want to achieve.

They give you a roadmap to follow and help you make decisions that align with your vision.

Increases Motivation

Goals can help to increase your motivation and can even contribute to your drive to succeed.

By setting goals, you have a specific target and plan to work towards, which can help you stay motivated and focused.

Boosts Confidence

There’s no better feeling than achieving your goals. As a result, it gives you a boost of confidence and self-esteem, and you gain a sense of accomplishment and a belief in your ability to succeed.

Provides Accountability

Setting goals are a must for providing a way to hold yourself accountable.

By setting specific goals and targets, you can measure your progress and adjust your approach and direction as needed.

Increases Productivity

Goals can help to increase your productivity by giving you a clear sense of what needs to be accomplished.

Having a plan in place can help you work more efficiently and stay focused on your priorities.

Improves Decision-Making

Goals can help improve your decision-making by providing a plan and framework for making choices. When faced with a decision, you can consider how it aligns with your goals and make choices that support your vision.

Personal Growth

Setting goals can improve your personal growth and development, which is really important in my opinion.

Working towards a goal can enable you to learn new skills, gain knowledge, and expand your abilities.

Goals for Weight Loss – Final Thought

In conclusion, setting goals for weight loss is a crucial part of success.

Whether you’re setting outcome goals, process goals, or behavioral goals, make sure they are specific, realistic, time-bound, and challenging, and ensure you have them written down.

Don’t forget to track your progress to help you stay motivated and ensure you are on track.

Setting goals offers several benefits, from providing a plan, timeframe, direction, and focus to boosting self-confidence and productivity.

The key to successful weight loss is setting appropriate and realistic goals, evaluating your progress regularly, and making adjustments as needed. By doing so, you can achieve your weight loss goals and live a healthier, more balanced life.

Remember, setting goals for weight loss is a personal process and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s important to set goals that are realistic, achievable, and goals that are tailored to your individual needs.

I hope this Guide on Goals for Weight Loss has given you some insight and inspired you to set your goals for success.

Let me know your tips on Goals for Weight Loss on my Socials!

Amy xx

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